Here you can find the answers about Everyday Use with Yale Linus® Smart Lock.
The Yale Smart Keypad Once you set the keypad up, follow the steps below to find, update, and use your personal Entry Code.
To find your Personal Entry Code:
Your personal entry code(s) appears below the associated lock if there are multiple locks. Depending on the settings on the lock, it may be blanked out as a security precaution. If this is the case you will need to authenticate with your phones passcode/biometics to view the code. If you want to update an existing personal entry code, follow the steps above, then:
Modifications and updates will appear in MY ACCESS.
To use your Personal Entry Code
Entry codes need to be between 4 and 6 digits and a user may have up to 220 entry codes on a lock.
Guests with keypad access have a blue circle with a hash symbol to the right of their name in the Guest List. If you have assigned Entry Codes to other guests, they will follow the same steps to access and update their personal entry codes from within the Yale Access App.
If you have a HomeKit-enabled Smart Lock, adding a new Owner and giving them HomeKit access can be done at the same time. Watch the video below for a brief overview of the process.
PLEASE NOTE: The invited HomeKit user must also be an Owner of the smart lock in the Yale Access App and they must accept the HomeKit invite from the Home App. Then, they must access the lock over Bluetooth with the Yale Access App 2-3 times to finalize the HomeKit invite.
The invited HomeKit user should be able to connect to the lock over HomeKit following the steps below:
If they cannot connect to the lock using the Home App, they need to repeat step 2.
This article provides steps to remove a lock from your account. PLEASE NOTE: Your status as either a lock Owner or a Guest, as well as your reason for removing the lock, determines the best method for removing the device from your account. Select either Lock Owner or Guest (depending on your access level) for instructions.
If you are the only lock Owner of a Yale Smart lock and you need to delete a lock because you no longer wish to have access to it, you need to factory reset the lock in order to remove it from your account. Follow the factory reset instructions to remove the lock from your account. Factory resetting the lock will also remove all other associated accounts from the lock.
If you are a lock Owner and you need to remove the lock to install it on another door, you will need to factory reset the lock unless the door is on the same house as it is currently. If you are installing the lock on the same house, you can remove the lock from its current door and reinstall it on the new door without factory resetting. For example, if you are installing a new Yale smart lock on your front door and you wish to relocate your existing Yale smart lock to your back door, you can rename accordingly. In this case, you can rename the lock in your account as follows:
If you are a lock Owner and you have moved and you left the lock at your former residence, you will need to factory reset the lock in order to remove it from your account. If you experience issues removing yourself from the lock, contact Customer Support.
If you are a Guest on a lock and you want to remove the device from your account:
You will be prompted to verify that you would like to remove the user, in this case yourself, from the device.
If you experience issues removing yourself from the lock, contact us
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