Frequently asked questions Front Door Wi-Fi Camera

Here are the answers to the most common questions about Yale Front Door Wi-Fi Camera. If you do not find the answers you are looking for, you can also try our troubleshooting help.

Yale Front Door Camera FAQ

  • First, you need to click on the motion notification button in the upper left corner of the live view page screen to enable notification.

    If it says “Failed to subscribe” check the following configuration settings:

    1. Enable Yale View to send notifications in your phone settings.
    2. Enable events in your device- Motion detection, etc should be enabled with a valid time schedule
  • If you want to disable the camera's green LED while it is working, go to the camera settings and disable the device indicator.

  • Go to the camera settings, select “Alarm” then enable “Motion Detection”.

    1. Go to the camera settings, select “Alarm” then enable “Motion Detection”
    2. Click the gear icon on the top right corner.
    • Go to the Device Info page, click the Cloud Upgrade option to check if there is new firmware. If there is, you can update this.
  • There are two methods to delete the camera from your account. Firstly login into your account in the Yale View app:

    Method 1: Go to the preview page, then click the gear icon in the top right corner, go to the device settings page, slide to the bottom then delete the device.

    Method 2: My Device->select corresponding device ->slide to the bottom ->Delete Device

  • For security reasons, each camera can be linked to only one account.

    If you want to add the camera to a new Yale View account please delete it from the existing account first.

    Go to device settings and select “delete camera”

  • You can use HD720 cameras with HD1080 DVR, but not the other way around.

  • This feature is not available.

    • Left LED light – power light
    • Middle led light – green if recording
    • Right LED light – will flash if being remotely accessed

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