Yale Sync and Philips Hue on shelf.Yale Sync and Philips Hue on shelf.

Frequently asked questions about Yale and Philips Hue

Here are the answers to the most common questions about the Yale and Philips Hue


  • Yale knows when you have returned home when you lock or unlock your door with your phone or Keypad. Enable the integration between Philips Hue and Yale to:

    1. Set your light groups to turn on when the lock is unlocked using the mobile app.
    2. Use the one-touch lock feature to turn off lights when you lock the door.*
    3. Activate the lights when an Entry Code is used to unlock the door with the keypad*

    *Smart Keypad or a keypad/touchscreen lock with the Yale Access Upgrade Kit needed

  • If you want to enable all 3 scenarios, you will need a lock with a Wi-Fi bridge or a Wi-Fi Smart Lock, as well as a Smart Keypad. Keypad/touchscreen locks that include the Yale Access Upgrade Kit works too.

    PLEASE NOTE: If you don’t have a keypad/touchscreen, you will still be able to program your lights to turn on when the lock is unlocked using the App.

  • To use this integration you will also need the Philips Hue bridge and Philips Hue lights.

  • The set up for the Philips Hue integration is similar to that of other Works With partners.

    PLEASE NOTE: It is necessary to set up your Philips Hue light kit and at least one light group before integrating with Yale:

    1. Open the App
    2. Go to the menu in the upper left corner
    3. Select Works With
    4. Scroll to Philips Hue
    5. Select the blue button to Manage Philips Hue
    6. Select Continue to enable linking between your Philips Hue and Yale Access Account
    7. Select from the available scenarios:
      • Turn on the lights when unlocked with the App
      • Turn on the lights when unlocked with keypad entry code
      • Turn off the lights when keypad is One-Touch locked
    8. Select one Lock and one Light Group to complete the scenario
    9. Select Save to finalize

    This completes the setup.

    Currently, set up is limited to one use case at a time; however, you can set up multiple use cases in succession if needed by completing each scenario at a time.

  • If you want to make changes to your Philips Hue setup, such as updating scenes, or adding lights, you can make modifications in the Philips Hue App. You can then go into the Yale Access App and make changes to the Philips Hue scenarios with the updates from your scenes in Philips Hue.

  • If you run into issues such as not being able to pair or control the lights with the integration, try setting it up again in the App.

  • This integration can only be connected by Lock Owners; but anyone connected to your locks and keypads can use it.

  • No. The lights will always turn on to the same presets

  • Yes. You will have the ability to control this integration remotely if your lock is connected to a Wi-Fi bridge, or if it is a Wi-Fi enabled device.

  • This is a standalone integration between Philips Hue and Yale. Assistants such as Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit, and Google Home can be connected separately and operated through those partners.

  • No, you still need to use the respective app to manage your products for daily use. For example, you cannot lock/unlock your Yale lock via the Hue app. This Works With partnership offers routine-based integrations that can be enabled in the Yale Access App such as having your lights turn on when your door is unlocked via the Yale Access App.

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