Apple HomeKit on Apple Watch.Apple HomeKit on Apple Watch.

Support for the integration with Apple HomeKit and Yale

Getting Started

  • Yale + Apple HomeKit

    You can add your lock to your HomeKit Home through the Yale Access App or directly in the Homekit App. This will let you control the lock via HomeKit as well as add it to a HomeKit Scene. To Set Up In Yale Access App


  • Error code 4097

    Error code 4097 is a setup error indicating that the setup process was unsuccessful. You may receive this error if you have a Yale Access module. If you receive this error, try the setup steps again:

    1. Remove the battery cover and the batteries
    2. Insert the Smart Module above the battery compartment
    3. Reinstall the batteries and replace the battery cover

    PLEASE NOTE: The batteries must be removed prior to removing and/or inserting the smart module

  • Support for Troubleshooting

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