The integration with Yale and Amazon Alexa.The integration with Yale and Amazon Alexa.

Getting Started with Amazon Alexa and Yale

Here you can find the answers how to Getting Started with the Amazon Alexa and Yale's products.


  • Amazon Alexa integration with the Yale Linus® Smart Lock enables you to lock/unlock and check the status of your lock through your Alexa-enabled speaker or the Alexa App (depending on the languages supported by Alexa).

    To Set Up:

    Make sure that both your Linus® Smart Lock and Alexa-enabled speaker or device are on the same Wi-Fi network

    Pair your Yale Access and Alexa accounts in the Alexa App. From the Alexa App:

    1. Open the side menu
    2. Select “Skills and Games”
    3. Click on the search icon on the upper right hand of the display
    4. Type in “Yale Access”
    5. Select “Yale Access”
    6. Select “ENABLE TO USE”
    7. Sign into the Yale Access account that is associated with your lock on the “Link Account” page
    8. You should then receive an SMS code to complete the second stage of the two step authentication associated with your Yale Access account
    9. Enter the verification code and select “Verify”
    10. Select “Agree” on the third page titled “Link Account”
    11. Close the “Link Account” screen

    Add your lock to your home:

    1. You should be automatically dropped into the “DEVICES” screen If you don’t see the “DEVICES” screen
      • Open the side menu
      • Select “Add Device”
    2. On the “DEVICES” screen select “All Devices”
    3. Select your Yale Linus® Smart Lock from the list of devices

    Customize your lock settings:

    1. Edit your lock name
    2. Enable the Alexa App to unlock via App or voice and establish a security code

If you need additional support

You can get a more visual help related to our products at our download center and in our library for support videos. 

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