Total control of your door with the Google Assistant

Get total control via your Google Home speaker or smartphone app.

Lock your door using your voice*, check the status of your door and even have your Linus® Smart Lock communicate with other smart devices so when you leave, your door locks, the lights switch off and the alarm arms. 

*Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge required.

  • Lock your door

    Ask your Google Home, Google Home Mini or Pixel 3 and just about any other Android device to lock your door by saying "Ok Google, lock my door".

  • Check Status

    You can check if your Linus® Smart Lock is locked and unlocked by asking Google Assistant to check the status of your lock.

  • Unlock your lock

    Use the Google Assistant to unlock your Linus® Smart Lock when your guests arrive, simply by saying "Ok Google, unlock my door’’*. 

    *Google will then ask you for a voice PIN code.

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