Benefits and Features

Easy monitoring

Stay instantly informed with real-time alerts the moment fire is detected. Effortlessly monitor your smoke  alarm status from anywhere at any time, providing you with constant peace of mind.

Interlinked with other smoke sensors

Our Smoke Sensor can work on its own, but when interconnected with other smoke sensors around your home, it creates a network that simultaneously raises the fire alarm. So, whether a fire starts in your garage or kitchen, every corner of your house will be alerted.

Powerful siren

Equipped with a siren of 85dB, the Smoke Sensor will promptly sound its powerful siren when triggered, leaving no room for overlooking a fire-related emergency.

Horizon+ Technology

Experience exceptional protection with an impressive coverage range spanning up to 1km, coupled with an extended battery lifespan. Safeguard not just your home, but also properties and attached buildings of varying shapes and sizes with ease.

  • • Compatible with Yale Smart Alarm

    • Requires the Yale Hub

    • Yale Home app control

    • Pre-fitted Yale RF Module

    • 85dB siren

    • Sounds when fire alarm is triggered

    • Interlinked with connected smoke


    • Indoor use

    • Add up to 100 alarm accessories

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