Yale standard security ratingYale standard security rating

Yale standard security rating

Experience the benefits

  • Programmable electronic keypad

    Equipped with a programmable electronic keypad and LCD display, it offers quick set-up and easy operation. Simply enter the passcode using the keypad, then pull on the handle to open the safe door. If the guest forgets the code they have set, it can be opened by a master code set by management. 

  • Two keys

    2x Yale mechanical override keys included. Furthermore, the guest safe can be ordered as a key-alike batch for easy handling by management.

  • Easy installation

    Pre-drilled holes (fixing bolts supplied) allow permanent mounting to floors, walls, or most hard surfaces for additional security.

  • Key features

    • Opens with pin code, mastercode or key
    • LCD display and the ability to operate a 3 to 6 digit main user code or guest code
    • Safe lock down for 5 minutes after 3 incorrect attempts
    • Batteries positioned on the outside (no need unlock the safe to change them)

    Additional features

    • Electronic lock with handle for easy opening
    • The option to switch the sound off when entering the code or when the safe is opening
  • Alarmed Value Safe Small

    Exterior dimensions: H200xW310xD200 mm Net weight: 5.4 kg Volume: 8.6 litres
  • Value Safe Small

    Exterior dimensions: H200xW310xD200 mm Net weight: 5.4 kg Volume: 8.6 litres

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