Yale is dedicated to providing quality products to every customer. If the products purchased from Yale Store or Yalesmart.com are faulty or does not match the description in the original listing, customer is allowed to do exchange or refund.
if you changed your mind, we will refund the purchase price or exchange those item(s) which you were purchased in-store or online, subject to the following conditions;
For refund or exchange, please contact your dealer directly where the Yale products were purchased.
Once the returns policy has been met, we will offer exchange or refund within 30 days.
All refunds will be issued only via Bank Transfer. Customer is required to provide bank details to the dealer, and it will be forwarded to Finance team for processing. Average 1 – 3 business weeks for the waiting time for the refund to be successfully transferred.
For cancellation order, please contact us within 7 working days before your shipping day or installation day.
We will do our best to accommodate your cancellation request, as long as order has not been processed yet.
Once your order is processed and shipped, we can no longer make any changes.