Auto-lock and unlockAuto-lock and unlock

Auto-lock and unlock

Linus® automatically locks and unlock your door as you come and go.

Access managementAccess management

Access management

Grant entry to family, friends or trusted visitors from wherever you are with the Yale Access app.

In-app controlIn-app control

In-app control

Turn your smartphone or Apple Watch into your key: lock and unlock your door with the Yale Access app. 

Easy installationEasy installation

Easy installation

Easy 3 minute installation over a compatible cylinder on the inside of your front door.

  • Lock compatibilityFits a wide range of doors - Is your lock compatible? Please go to Compatibility Checker page  for recommendations on the cylinder options that are available for you.
    RequirementsFree Yale Access App for iOS or Android smartphone.
    Communication frequency between Linus® and accessoriesBluetooth version: 4.2 - 2.4GHz
    Technology between the Linus® Lock and smartphoneBluetooth directly or via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi if a Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge is paired.
    Two-factor securityYour Yale Access account is protected with 2-factor authentication, which means that on top of your password, the system will check your identity based on either an email or phone number.
    EncryptionThe Linus® Smart Lock uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology encryption, as well as AES and TLS encryptions, commonly referred to as bank level security.
    Product dimensions58mm in width, 58mm in depth and 150mm in length.
    Product weight623g including batteries
    Battery types4xAA (Alkaline recommended) for the Smart Lock. Batteries included in the kit.
  • ProductProduct ID
    Linus Smart Lock, Mobile app(Yale Access), BLE Key pad (Optionsl), Mechanical key overide, Bridge Connectivity (Optional) Black, Box05/101200/MB
    Linus Smart Lock, Mobile app(Yale Access), BLE Key pad (Optionsl), Mechanical key overide, Bridge Connectivity (Optional) Silver, Box05/101200/SI

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