Yale Wi-Fi Bridge troubleshooting – iOS 14.2

Apple have made a change to the way Wi-Fi Accessories are setup in the 14.2 release of iOS. Because of this the way Yale Wi-Fi Bridges are setup on iOS has also changes.

What’s the change in iOS 14.2?

iOS has functiontionality that allows Wi-Fi devices to easily be connected to your Wi-Fi network without having to re-enter the password for it. This functionality is called WAC (Wireless Accessory Configuration). Within iOS 14.2 this functionality is not functioning correctly, we expect it to be updated in future versions. Until then we have changed the app to allow Connect units to be setup.

Setup process from Yale Home

Before setup, please make sure that you have a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network running in your house, which your iPhone is connected to.

  • Begin the in-app setup within the Yale Home App by selecting “Set Up New Device”.
  • The App will ask you to scan the QR code of the device you wish to add. This can be found on the back of the Connect Wi-Fi bridge.
  • If you then plug the Connect Wi-Fi bridge in and follow the setup steps to reset the Connect bridge so that it is slowly pulsing green.
  • You will then be asked which of your smart locks you would like to link the connect bridge to.
  • The app will then have you verify the network you wish to connect your device to (The network needs to be 2.4GHz).
  • The app will then show the screen below asking you to link the Connect bridge to your network in the settings.
Connect to Wi-Fi step 1.Connect to Wi-Fi step 1.
  • At this point, please open the settings app on your phone and go to Wi-Fi, you should then see the screen below and have the option to select Connect under “Set up new device” (see red box below).
Connect to Wi-Fi step 2.Connect to Wi-Fi step 2.
  • You will then be taken to a screen where you can select which network you want to link the device to. Please use the network that your phone is connected to.


  • You will then be taken to the Accessory Setup screen where your phone will be setting up your Connect Wi-Fi Bridge onto the network, this may take a few minutes. Once this is completed you will get the Setup Complete Screen. If you experience a problem, please make sure that the network is on the 2.4GHz frequency, and try moving the Connect bridge closer to your router.
  • Now that the your Connect Wi-Fi Bridge is on your network, please go back to the Yale Home app, and select the button that says “Continue, my device is connected”.
  • The setup process will then continue and will check the connection strength to both your lock and router. Please follow the on screen instructions accordingly.
  • Your Connect Wi-Fi Bridge should then be fully setup.
Connect to Wi-Fi step 3.Connect to Wi-Fi step 3.