NEWSVehicle security

Keep a check on your vehicle security

Car theft has always been an issue, with expensive motors being a highly desired ‘prize’ for opportunists scouting out nearby homes. And with new, stealthy tactics constantly changing, car theft has continued to be a problem, with vehicles left on the road or driveways being a particularly easy target.

Whether it’s your pride and joy, daily run-around, motorbike or work van, many of us rely on our vehicles as part of our daily life. And so having yours stolen can cause devastating impacts and huge disruption to you and your family.

Which is why it’s as important as ever to be vigilant and ensure you have all the correct security measures in place to keep your vehicle protected.

Here the security experts from Yale have put together some handy advice on how you can ensure your vehicle is kept safe and secure.

Keep it locked

It might sound obvious, but locking your vehicle is a simple and easy way to help prevent yours from being the target of opportunists. If you’re bringing in the shopping or if you often leave your car warming up before you head out to work in the winter, these are ideal opportunities for burglars to get away with your vehicle – all it takes is just a few seconds.

On a hot day when you want some fresh air in your car, it’s also easy to leave your windows open when the car is unattended.

Whether you leave yours open on the driveway, at the petrol station or at a public car park, there’s no saying where an opportunist could be lurking to spot an easy target. And so, when parking up or leaving your car, remember to ensure all windows are closed and your car is locked securely.

Secure your keys

Key cloning is becoming an increasingly common method in vehicle theft and can be a very successful tactic for thieves. To prevent anyone from stealing your wireless key fob signal, make sure all your vehicle software is updated and consider investing in a key fob blocker.

It’s also still common for keys to be stolen from inside the home, to help prevent this remember to lock your external doors when you’re at home as well as when you’re out. Keep your keys away from the front door and ideally keep them locked in a cupboard or hidden from sight.

Light it up

The darkness of night or early mornings provides the ideal privacy for burglars looking to break into a vehicle. With less visibility at this time of the day, the darkness makes it easier to break in and get away, often without anyone noticing.

Make it more difficult for unwanted thieves by parking your vehicle in a well-lit area, or by installing outdoor lighting to ensure it’s never under the cover of darkness. If you’re away from home, consider using approved and recognised car parks which are well lit and monitored.

Keep an eye on it

It’s unlikely it will be possible to keep a check on your vehicle when it’s parked up at home during the day and night, so get a helping hand to keep a check on your car by installing a security camera.

If you keep your car at home, on a driveway or on the road, having an outdoor security camera or full CCTV system in place will allow you to monitor your vehicle when it’s parked up. If you decide to invest in a smart security camera, you can keep a check on your vehicle from anywhere, at any time via your smartphone for the ultimate convenience and peace of mind.

When choosing a security camera look for features such as night vision, in-app control, live viewing, motion detection and lights, which can deter any potential burglars.

Lock away your valuables

It can be easy to leave valuables in your vehicle when you’ve parked up. Whether it’s a wallet or purse, handbags, sunglasses or shopping, remember to remove any valuables from your car when you lock it up. Leaving items on display in your car can encourage potential thieves to break-in for easy pickings.  

This also includes important documentation that you don’t want to lose. We’d recommend not leaving your MOT certificate, vehicle registration document or insurance certificate on your car. These valuable documents should be kept together, in a safe, secure and easily accessible place at home.

If you own a work vehicle, remember to also remove any valuable work equipment from the vehicle when leaving it overnight. Use a van lock and secure anything which needs to be left inside the vehicle overnight. Using stickers on your van which highlight that nothing is left overnight in the van can also act as a deterrent.

It’s important to consider various security measures to ensure you vehicle is kept safe at home and when you’re away. For more security tips and advice and to discover more information about the range of products from Yale visit: .

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