Troubleshooting the LED Indicator on Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge

Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge displays its current status through an LED indicator light on the front of the device. This page will help you determine the status displayed by the LED indicator and provide troubleshooting steps that can be taken to improve functionality.

General Troubleshooting

Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge uses Bluetooth to communicate with your Smart Lock. There are a number of potential reasons for poor communication between your Yale Smart Lock and Yale Connect Bridge. For best results:

  • Make sure your Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge is within Bluetooth range (We recommend less than 4 metres for optimal performance)
  • Make sure the batteries in your Yale Smart Lock have enough charge
  • Ensure your Yale Smart Lock is operable using the Yale Access App in normal mode (not remote connect mode) standing near the location of your Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge
  • Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge needs a good Wi-Fi connection with access to the Internet to function
  • Ensure your home network is online

If you continue to have issues, remove Yale Connect Bridge from the power socket, restart your homes Wi-Fi router and plug Yale Connect Bridge back in to the socket.

Additional information and troubleshooting steps for Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge is below. Select either Red Light, Green Light, or No Light depending on the LED behaviour your Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge is displaying.

  • Green Light

  • Red Light

  • No Light

What does the colors indicate?

  • The Red LED is used to display warning status codes related to temporary connectivity issues.

    RED LED Activity


    Operation or Instructions

    Solid light

    The Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge timed out of setup mode or it has been permanently knocked offline (if it was set up)Reset the Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge. Leave the Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge plugged into the wall and hold down the round reset button on the front of the device for 5 seconds, then let go. The Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge will need to be configured in the app following a hard reset. Go through the in-app setup flow again to reconfigure.

    1 short

    Wireless configuration timeoutYale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge is unable to connect to your Wi-Fi network. It may help to move your Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge closer to your Wi-Fi router and retry setup.
    If you have two wireless access points that have the same network name and password, one of them may need to be reconfigured. If you’d like to keep two separate networks, change the name of one of them. If you’d like one to increase the range of your network, you may need to reconfigure one of the routers.

    2 short

    Wi-FI link unavailableCheck that your wireless router is plugged in and powered on. Then, connect your Wi-Fi to a computer or other device to ensure it is working properly.

    3 short

    Wi-Fi communication failureYour Wi-Fi name and/or password may have changed. Reset the Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge by holding down the button for 3 seconds and set up again using the Yale Access App.

    4 to 6 short

    Server communication errorsUnplug your Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge for 5 seconds, and plug it back in.

    7 short

    Bluetooth communication errorYale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge is having trouble connecting to your lock via bluetooth. Try moving Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge closer to your Smart Lock to improve the bluetooth signal.
    Reset your Smart Lock by removing and reinstalling batteries after checking battery life.

    1 to 9 long

    Temporary communication issuesUnplug Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge for a few seconds, and plug it back in.

    10-12 long

    Configuration errors.Reset the Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge by holding down the button for 5 seconds and set up again using the Yale Access App.Reset the Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge by holding down the button for 5 seconds and set up again using the Yale Access App.

    Continuous flashing

    Temporary error (Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge may come back online eventually)Wait and see if the error corrects as the activity might be the result of a network error, such as the network being down. If the light goes solid red, see the troubleshooting steps for a solid red light (above).
  • The Green LED indicates normal remote operations are in process and typically requires no action.

    Green LED Activity





    Operation or Instructions



    Solid light


    Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge is communicating with our servers or the associated Smart Lock.

    Normal operation. No action needed.


    Slowly pulsing


    Waiting to be set up (Provisioning Mode)

    Set up the Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge: Go to Lock Settings and tap Connect to Wi-Fi in the Yale App.


    2 flashes


    Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge is updating its internal firmware

    Wait for the update to finish.


    3 flashes


    Connecting to Wi-Fi

    Normal operation, connecting to your Wi-Fi network.


    4 flashes


    Connecting to bluetooth

    Normal operation, connecting to your Smart Lock.


    5 flashes


    Currently connected to bluetooth

    Normal operation, communicating with your Smart Lock.


    6 flashes


    Your Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge has received new activity information from your Smart Lock

    Normal operation.


    7 flashes


    Smart Lock is busy

    Wait a few seconds for the lock to communicate with the Connect.


    8 flashes


    Smart Lock is not found

    Reset lock by removing & reinstalling 2 batteries, making sure the batteries are in good health.

  • If the Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge has no light activity, it means that either: 1) The Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge is online and is functioning normally; OR 2) An unknown issue has occurred and it has fallen offline. Check the status of Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge in the Yale Access App settings.

    If Yale Connect Wi-Fi Bridge stops displaying light activity, try unplugging it and plugging it into a different outlet. If after 10 seconds the unit does not display any light activity, please contact Customer Support.

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