Seamless Entry

Imagine controlling the security screen door and main entry door on a home at the same time with a touch of a button or voice command? Now we can!

Previously there has not been a seamless solution to the problem where users that have upgraded to a smart lock on their main entry door still must use a physical key for the mechanical lock on the screen door. DualDoor Technology now available on Yale Unity Series solves this problem, providing consumers with a complete smart entry experience to the home.

DualDoor Technology is an innovative new feature for our Yale Unity Entrance Series Locks. The technology makes homelife much easier and works seamlessly with Alexa Smart Home, Hey Google and more. Unlock the Yale Unity Security Screen Door lock and through communication with the Yale Connect Plus Wi-Fi Bridge, the Unity Entrance Lock will unlock as well. Once inside, press the internal electronic snib on the the entrance lock will lock and so will the Security Screen door.

This provides a convenient, smart, and keyless entry solution to the home, removing the need to search for mechanical keys. Customers can choose to set up the feature as they please all through the Yale Home App. DualDoor can be used to lock, unlock and securely lock together or they can choose two actions or one, it’s up to them. We’ve ensured that customers can choose what suits them best.

Controlled all through the Yale Home App, customers can monitor activity on their lock of who is coming and going, 24/7. Using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and geo-fencing technology, the Yale Home App has the ability for to auto-unlock their door as they arrive home. Yale Home will also suit families, know when children arrive home from school, share access to Grandparents and provide a cleaner with scheduled access to the home.

The Yale Unity Entrance Series is paving the way for residential digital locks, providing peace of mind in knowing who and what they love is safe - no matter where they are. They have been certified to meet the stringent security and durability requirements, as per the Australian Standards, making it a premium security solution.

The Yale Unity Entrance Series is 100% key free. As well as the Yale Home App, a secondary access option using an RFID “Contactless Key” is also available. An additional accessory, Yale Smart Keypad - Allows PIN code access to the lock via a Bluetooth wireless interface.

At Yale we continue to keep the most important things safe and connected as we continue to meet the growing needs of our residential customers.

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